Introduction to Network Analysis 2024/25

Course project overview

The course project is the main part of your coursework! The project topic should be related to network science and should go beyond this course, while projects can also borrow from other courses. Students can choose the project topic on their own or select one of the suggested topics. Projects must be done in groups of three or four students, whereas other group sizes will be allowed only in exceptional cases.

Students will be encouraged to submit an extended paper describing their course project to the Student Computing Research Symposium SCORES ‘25, computer science journals Informatica or Uporabna Informatika, preprint server, make their work publicly available or other.

Project types

Examples of projects
Examples of handouts

Project report

Project report should consist of \(\mathbf{\approx 3}\) pages in PNAS format (use this template). It should be submitted to Gradescope as a group submission (entry code 22G5PJ) and is due on June 6th at 11:59pm.

The project report should include a title and short abstract, problem definition, motivation and background, an overview of relevant literature, description of data, methods and algorithms, main results supported by plots, tables and diagrams, a summary of results, main contributions, final conclusions, and future work.

Project steps
  1. read enough literature
  2. decide on your project domain
  3. find relevant data and check it
  4. decide on your project problem
  5. clearly state your project hypotheses
  6. select appropriate tools and techniques
  7. preliminary analysis of hypotheses
  8. find related papers and read them
Project tips